The Hunter’s Dagger allows you to Rupture enemies hit by the dagger. Ruptured enemies take 1d4 Piercing damage when they move. The Condition lasts for 3 turns. Sold by Roah Moonglow in Shattered Sanctum. If the item is not there, try Long Resting to reset the vendor’s wares. You do...
At level 2 you also get access to yourDivine Smite spell. This allows you to infuse your next weapon attack with a lot of extraRadiant Damage. This is even more powerful if used against Undead or Fiends. When you level up further you will gain access to even more powerful Smite spells....
Made several improvements to the Poltergeist enemy: they are now revealed on being attacked or hit with Radiant Spirit Guardians; they will not turn Invisible again if they are still in a character’s See Invisibility aura; in Balanced and Explorer Mode, they have disadvantage on Dexterity Saving...
making it so those who prefer to stock up or unload quickly and conveniently through the trade system don't have to toggle it on every time they speak to an NPC with wares.
If the weapon does not show up in her wares, try doing a Long Rest and then checking again. Endgame Gear Below you can find the best endgame gear setup for our BG3 Oath of Devotion Paladin Build. This setup is intended to maximise the damage we can deal with our melee weapon, ...
Bound by a pact to an all-powerful patron, Warlocks trade their loyalty for supernatural abilities and unique magic. Warlocks have access to Warlock Spell Slots. These function the same as normal Spell Slots. You use them to cast Spells in BG3. While you won’t have many of them, when ...
You must use Smokepowder bombs or barrels to clear the rockfall to access the chamber that Nere is trapped in, then loot the boots from him. He may be alive or dead when you find him, depending on how long you take to clear the blockage. Amulet of Misty Step The Amulet of Misty ...
Balduran’s Giantslayer is looted fromAnsurin the Dragon’s Sanctum. To find out how to access the Dragon’s Sanctum, follow this guide onHow to find the Helm of Balduran– both items are located in the same room. This is one of the easiest classes in Baldur’s Gate 3 to setup and...
If you do not see the weapon in her wares, then take a Long Rest and return to the Roah. This should reset her items, and the Longsword+1 should appear. You can also read our in-depth guide on How to get the Longsword or Shortsword +1 in BG3 to get a detailed walkthrough on...
To find out how to access the Dragon’s Sanctum, follow this guide on How to find the Helm of Balduran –both items are located in the same room. Best Karlach Build Tips & Tricks for BG3 The most important part of playing as a Barbarian like Karlach in Baldur’s Gate 3 is coming...