Made several improvements to the Poltergeist enemy: they are now revealed on being attacked or hit with Radiant Spirit Guardians; they will not turn Invisible again if they are still in a character’s See Invisibility aura; in Balanced and Explorer Mode, they have disadvantage on Dexterity Saving...
Hunger of Hadar Sleet Storm Spirit Guardians Stinking Cloud Level 4 Evard’s Black Tentacles Grasping Vine Level 5 Cloudkill Insect Plague Level 6 Wall of Thorns Note that not all of these are unlockable by the Wizard under normal conditions, but you may unlock spells that aren’t normally av...
Slay any enemy that isn’t generally an element of nature, construct, giant blob, or already dead, and you’ll be able to raise their spirit from their corpse for ten turns. This new summon can deal necrotic damage and will rip away a chunk of your enemy’s soul to provide your Hex...