Gloves Gloves of Soul Catching +2 Constitution Unarmed Attacks deal 1d10 extra Force Damage Regain 10HP on unarmed hit, once per turn. Or forego the healing to get Advantage on Attack Rolls and Saving Throws for the rest of the turn. Reward for completing the quest Save Hope in the House...
Provides +1 to Armor Class and Saving Throws, boosting overall defense. Chest Barkskin Armour Purchased from Quartermaster Talli at Last Light Inn (Act 2). Permanently applies the Barkskin effect, ensuring a minimum AC of 16, even in Wild Shape. Gloves Gloves of the Growling Underdog Goblin...
The bard and monk classes each have a ton of items that correspond to their abilities, as well as to their play styles. From gloves and boots that boost bardic inspiration to tons of gauntlets that improve unarmed damage, items that enhance these specific classes are unavoidable in any playthr...
Gloves of Archery For your Gloves, in Act 1 you can get the Gloves of Archery quite early in the game. These are ideal for the Ranger, adding 2 extra damage to all successful ranged weapon attacks. To get the gloves, buy them from Grat the Trader in the Goblin Camp. Amulet of Misty...
GlovesLuminous Gloves Dealing Radiant Damage to the target gives them 1 stack of Radiating Orb +1 to Strength Saving Throws Inside the Potter’s Chestin the Ruined Battlefield BootsVital Conduit Boots Get 8 Temporary HP whenever you cast a spell that requires Concentration ...