If you didn’t get Great Weapon Fighter yet then I recommend doing that now. If you managed to already increase your Strength to 20 and get Great Weapon Fighter, then get the Savage Attacker Feat. This basically works in the same way as the Advantage mechanic, but for Damage Rolls instead...
Feats are strong passive effects that can be used to enable a particular type of build, or simply to provide a buff to your Abilities. In this case, we’ll be doing the latter. TakeAbility Improvementand put both points intoCharisma. This will increase your CHA to 18 or 19, depending ...
17 Charisma Skill Proficiencies The Skills are not hugely important because they have little direct impact on Combat. However, choosing them wisely will allow your character to be more successful in all manner of out of combat dice rolls. We recommend choosing Skills that are eitherCharismaorDexter...
8 Charisma Cantrips The BG3 Wizard build can choose three Cantrips to start the game with. Cantrips are basic spells that do not consume a spell slot when cast, effectively meaning you can cast them as often as you like without limitations. ...
At Level 4, it’s time to choose aFeatto unlock for your Wizard Build in BG3. Feats are strong passive buffs that can be used to enable a specific type of build, or just to provide a stat boost. In this case we’ll be doing the latter – grab theAbility ImprovementFeat, which wil...
Feats are strong passive buffs for your character that can help to define your build. It’s pretty much always the best idea to choose Ability Improvement here, which gives us an extra 2 Ability Points to assign. Put them both into Dexterity, thus increasing it to 19. This will help to...
Feats are strong passive bonuses for your character that can help to define your build, or just boost stats. It’s best to get the Ability Improvement Feat, which gives you an extra 2 Ability Points to assign. Put both of the points into Charisma, which will take you up to 19 if you...
At this Level, you’ll need to choose anotherFeatfor your character. If you didn’t already manage to increase your Charisma to 20, then you can get theResilientFeat and use it to impove your Charisma. This will also give you Advantage in Charisma checks. ...
Again there is not a huge amount to talk about at this level – you only have one thing that you need to select. As with all Classes in Baldur’s Gate 3, we need to choose aFeatwhen we reach Level 4. Feats are extra passive buffs for our character, which can help to make your ...
All in all, an Ability allocation that looks something like this will serve you well for our Ranger: 10 Strength 16 Dexterity 14 Constitution 8 Intelligence 16 Wisdom 10 Charisma Skill Proficiencies As we mentioned in the Background section, the skills are not of great importance due to their...