At Level 4 we have to choose a Feat for the BG3 Arcane Trickster Build. Feats are strong passive effects that can enable a certain build idea, or simply give a stat buff to increase damage or survivability. Choose Ability Improvement and use it to improve your Dexterity score to 19. This...
As with all classes in Baldur’s Gate 3, at Level 4 you’ll need to choose aFeatfor your Cleric Build. Feats are powerful passive effects for your character that can enable a specific build or simply boost your stats. We strongly recommend choosingAbility Improvement, which will give you ...
Baldur’s Gate 3: Can you romance multiple characters in BG3? Aidan O'Brien and others Baldur's Gate Find the Nightsong BG3 quest walkthrough Anish Nair and others Baldur's Gate Baldur’s Gate 3: Should you choose Glut or Spaw in BG3? Hayley Andrews and others Baldur's ...
There is actually a big problem with 5e rules where it is way to easy to break a spell that requires concentration. There is no concentration skill nor is feats as frequent as they used to be in 3.5 or pathfinder. Which both would buff the ability to stay focused on the spell while i...
BG3: What to do when characters won’t move in Group Mode When this happens, one of two things is usually going on: A character is stuckbehind an obstruction. A character isunable to reach an area. On a couple different occasions, I’ve found that one member of my party won’t retu...
Whilemonks do focus on unarmed attacksmore than any other class, feats like tavern brawler make it so that any class can be effective when unarmed. Thus, any class could benefit from gloves that add fire damage to those attacks, for instance. There are around a dozen magic items in the ...
Smaller characters may be able to access small passageways to access hidden areas. Level 4 At Level 4, it’s time to choose a Feat to unlock for your Wizard Build in BG3. Feats are strong passive buffs that can be used to enable a specific type of build, or just to provide a stat...
As with all classes in Baldur’s Gate 3, at Level 4 you’ll need to choose a Feat for your Warlock Build. Feats are strong passive bonuses for your character that can help to define your build, or just boost stats. It’s best to get the Ability Improvement Feat, which gives you an...
At Level 4, you’ll need to choose a Feat for your Paladin Build. Feats are strong passive features that can be used to enable a specific build, or simply provide additional Ability buffs. Choose the Ability Improvement Feat, which will give you 2 extra Ability Points to spend. Put both...
At Level 4, it’s time to choose aFeatto unlock for your Conjuration Wizard Build in BG3. Feats are strong passive buffs that can be used to enable a specific type of build, or just to provide a stat boost. In this case we’ll be doing the latter – grab theAbility ImprovementFeat...