So because we increased our Intelligence Modifier to +4 via the Ability Improvement Feat, this time we get 2 new Prepared Spells! With that in mind, you can Prepare any spells you like from the Second Level Spells we previously unlocked. Note: You have to level up first and then go to...
or just to provide a stat boost. In this case we’ll be doing the latter – grab theAbility ImprovementFeat, which will give you two extra Ability Points to spend. Put both points intoIntellgence, which will take you up to 19 INT. This also has the knock-on effect of increasing your...
At Level 4 we have to choose a Feat for the BG3 Rogue Build. Feats are strong passive effects that can enable a certain build idea, or simply give a stat buff to increase damage or survivability. Choose the Ability Improvement Feat and increase your Dexterity to 19. This will improve you...
As with all classes in Baldur’s Gate 3, at Level 4 you’ll need to choose a Feat for your Warlock Build. Feats are strong passive bonuses for your character that can help to define your build, or just boost stats. It’s best to get the Ability Improvement Feat, which gives you an...
As with all classes in Baldur’s Gate 3, at Level 4 you’ll need to choose aFeatfor your Cleric Build. Feats are powerful passive effects for your character that can enable a specific build or simply boost your stats. We strongly recommend choosingAbility Improvement, which will give you ...
At Level 8, you can choose another newFeatfor your Fighter build in BG3. Now get theSavage Attackerfeat. This is one of the best Feats in the game for melee damage dealers. Whenever you make a melee weapon attack, you will roll the damage die twice and use the highest result. This ...
or just to provide a stat boost. In this case we’ll be doing the latter – grab theAbility ImprovementFeat, which will give you two extra Ability Points to spend. Put both points intoIntellgence, which will take you up to 19 INT. This also has the knock-on effect of increasing your...
At Level 12, you can choose one final Feat for your BG3 Halsin Build. I recommend choosing the War Caster Feat, which gives you Advantage on all Concentration Saving Throws. We now have lots of powerful Concentration spells unlocked, and this feat helps to make these spells more forgiving ...
Level 11 Tier 6 Spells Level 12 Feat Early-Game Leveling 2-4 for your BG3 Druid Build The BG3 Druid Build early-game leveling process consists of levels 2-4. At level two, you can select your Druid Subclass Circle of the Moon and you get new Tier 1 Spells and the Wild Shape forms...
Aside from your Feat, you’ll gain another Sorcery Point and be able to choose one more spell to unlock. If you’re having a hard time surviving the combat, then choosing Globe of Invulnerability will help you to stay alive during tough fights. It summons an AOE that makes everyone within...