Best BG3 Druid Build Guide. Explore a powerful Druid Build, focusing on the Circle of Moon subclass in Baldur's Gate 3. Tips, Leveling, Gear!
A detailed look at all the Druid Wild Shape Forms in Baldur's Gate 3. Cat, Spider, Bear, Badger, Raven, Owlcat, Wolf, Deep Rothé, Displacer Beast.
The druid is actually the class with the most magical itemsthat pertain to its specific abilities and features. There are a number of armor sets and apparel options thatenhance theirwild shape, a staff that only grants a defensive buff to druids, and several weapons and a shield that boosts...
Druid Build – Circle of the Moon Bard Build – College of Lore Ranger Build – Hunter Monk Build – Way of Shadow Monk Build – Way of the Four Elements Monk Build – Way of the Open Hand Necromancer Build – Necromancy Fighter Build – Battle Master ...
Steal the Sacred Idol in Druid Grove (quest) Ring 2 Ring of Feywild Sparks +1 to Spell Save DC Carried by Auntie Ethel in The Blushing Mermaid – Basement Main Weapon Markoheshkir +1 to Spell Save DC and Spell Attack Rolls Arcane Battery – Cast any spell for free, once per Long ...