You don’t need to get all the items, but the build will perform better if you find some of them. You can find these items in Act 1 or early Act 2. Equipment SlotBest Early Game Gear Head Haste Helm Cloak Cloak of Protection Chest Icebite Robe Gloves Gloves of Power Boots Boots of...
Don’t worry if you don’t have all of the items, and don’t be afraid to try new things not mentioned here, either. This is only a guideline and the build can still work fine if some equipment is different for you. SlotIconItemEffectsLocation Head The Shadespell Circlet When ...
Fixed a bug where putting a trader’s items in their side of the barter window, closing the window without buying them, and then killing them would make those items appear as loot. Fixed the camera not sticking to your character properly after Character Creation on controller. Fixed VFX not ...
The nature of major Baldur's Gate 3 patches leaves them with long lists of tweaks — so long that the Steam news pages for them have to abridge things to focus only on the highlights. Even on Steam, however, it's impossible to scroll through in a minute or two and get a clear idea...
Drow –Proficiency with the Hand Crossbow, and can see in the dark up to 24 metres. Lightfoot Halfling –Advantage on Stealth Checks, Reroll dice whenever you roll a 1, but suffers from low Movement Speed. Deep Gnome –See in the dark up to 24 metres, Advantage on Stealth Checks, Advant...
Drow –Gets access to additional spells as they level up, including Faerie Fire and Darkness. Don’t worry if you don’t want to go with any of these races. As mentioned above, your chosen race is of fairly low importance in Baldur’s Gate 3. Class Selection Here you want to select ...
Drow –Proficiency with the Hand Crossbow, and can see in the dark up to 24 metres. Lightfoot Halfling –Advantage on Stealth Checks, Reroll dice whenever you roll a 1, but suffers from low Movement Speed. Deep Gnome –See in the dark up to 24 metres, Advantage on Stealth Checks, Advant...
Don’t sweat it if you can’t find some of the items. Your build will work fine without any of these. The only thing you need to have is a Longbow or a Crossbow to make the Hunter Ranger Build work in Baldur’s Gate 3. I would also not miss out on the Amulet of Misty Step ...
for more information about each item, including where to obtain it. Don’t worry if you don’t have all of the items, and don’t be afraid to try new things not mentioned here, either. This is only a guideline and the build can still work fine if some equipment is different for ...