Besides dealing high Ranged damage, the Ranger can exert some control over enemies with a modest selection of Spells. One of the most important of these spells isEnsnaring Strike, which can immobilise an enemy and apply an extra damage per turn effect on them. Like the Druid, it also has...
combat when cast on a damage-dealer in your party, and can also be very helpful to pass high-DC dialogue checks. Once cast, the spell lasts until your Concentration is broken, so try to keep your Bard away from enemy attacks as much as possible. Also, casting another Concentration spell...
Made several improvements to the Poltergeist enemy: they are now revealed on being attacked or hit with Radiant Spirit Guardians; they will not turn Invisible again if they are still in a character’s See Invisibility aura; in Balanced and Explorer Mode, they have disadvantage on Dexterity Saving...
Moreover, you gain an additional reaction per turn. Withering Cut –On a hit with a melee weapon, use a reaction to deal additional Necrotic damage equal to your Proficiency Bonus. Challenge to Duel –Challenge an enemy to attack only you, inflicting Bleeding on the target. Dueller's ...
In RTWP combat, like in BG1, if I come accross enemies on the map, and a squishy character is somehow ahead of my frontliners, that's not too much trouble. Firstly, I use auto-pause when an enemy is detected, so I don't have to react fast in any way. ...
Right now the BG3 gameplay/combat feels lacking something...its totally not BG2, not really D^D5th, and not really DOS2... Like someone else mentioned in DOS2 you had many more action points..this opened so much more possibilities during your turn : FUN. And it works with environment...
Right now the BG3 gameplay/combat feels lacking something...its totally not BG2, not really D^D5th, and not really DOS2... Like someone else mentioned in DOS2 you had many more action points..this opened so much more possibilities during your turn : FUN. And it works with environment...