Feats are strong passive buffs for your character that can help to define your build. It’s pretty much always the best idea to choose Ability Improvement here, which gives us an extra 2 Ability Points to assign. Put them both into Dexterity, thus increasing it to 19. This will help to...
At Level 4 we have to choose aFeatfor the BG3 Rogue Build. Feats are strong passive effects that can enable a certain build idea, or simply give a stat buff to increase damage or survivability. Choose the Ability Improvement Feat and increase your Dexterity to 19. This will improve your ...
Fighters have a few ways to boost damage by lowering accuracy, mainly through the Great Weapon Master and Sharpshooter feats. This maneuver largely negates the penalty, making the Fighter’s hits go from a good average damage to an obscene amount. In addition, if you’ve ever relied on La...
Cleric Build – Light Domain Rogue Build – Thief Sorcerer Build – Wild Magic Wizard Build – Evocation School Paladin – Oath of Ancients More Baldur’s Gate Guides & Builds If you want to check out the map of Baldur’s Gate 3, please visit theBaldur’s Gate 3 Interactive Map. ...