The Cloak of Protection increases your Amour Class by 1, and gives a +1 bonus to all of your Saving Throws. This is a good defensive buff that makes your Arcane Trickster more resistant to damage and enemy effects. It is sold by Quartermaster Talli in Last Light Inn in Act II. Spider...
You don’t need to get all the items, but the build will perform better if you find some of them. You can find these items in Act 1 or early Act 2. Equipment SlotBest Early Game Gear Head Haste Helm Cloak Cloak of Protection Chest Icebite Robe Gloves Gloves of Power Boots Boots of...
1 Download: Manual 11 items Last updated 09 September 20244:47AM Original upload 02 March 20244:24PM Created by FocusBG3 Uploaded by Margerard Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Modder's Resource Tag this mod Comment search disabled.Find out more ...
The easiest way to get the Orphic Hammer is byspeaking to Raphael at Sharess’ Caressnear Wyrm’s Crossing in Act 3. This is the first time you speak to the devil after Act 2, and he offers you the Orphic Hammer. However, the hammer doesn’t come without cost. You need to sign a...
Believe it or not, the easiest way to save the Tieflings is to select one of two characters left in your party, move to the opposite side of the prison, andattack a guard. This will lock all guards into combat with that character while your other two are still free to act ...
Sell items as usual Toggle back to barter Give away 1 item as barter Close the barter window If you are going to trade anywhere in Act 1, use a place with 2 traders, like the Myconid Colony. One player had success with 1 trader by: ...
• All Acts - maps for Act 1, Act 2 & Act 3 included! If you find a bug, or have any suggestions for the app, please use the 'Send Feedback' option below to let us know! Disclaimer: MapGenie is in no way affiliated with Larian (the developers of BG3!) ...
Fixed a bug where putting a trader’s items in their side of the barter window, closing the window without buying them, and then killing them would make those items appear as loot. Fixed the camera not sticking to your character properly after Character Creation on controller. Fixed VFX not...
their travels. These are represented bydifferent kinds of food, with some being worth more supply points than others. When the party lays down their heads for the night, they choose which supplies to expend, and in return they recover all of their used class, racial, and magic item ...
To get the Bloodthirst Dagger, you need to complete the quest Beat Orin the Red in Act 3. When you kill Orin the Red, you can take this dagger for yourself. Crimson Mischief Legendary Shortsword Prey Upon the Weak –This weapon deals an additional 1~4 piercing damage against targets with...