Act Two – Shadow-Cursed Lands In the abandoned house up the stairs in the northwestern part of the map. Act Two – Moonrise Towers In the bottom left of the camp. Act Three – Wyrm’s Lookout In the lower lefthand side of the camp. Act Three – Rivington Top of the map, in a ...
gain a +1 bonus to your own Armour Class and Saving Throws as long as you have at least one Lightning Charge, something that you’ll be able to get with the early-game melee weapon of this build. Looted from a gilded chest at the far end of the trapped bridge in Grymforge, Act I...
When wearing theKiller’s SweetheartRing, the first time you kill a creature (per Long Rest), your next attack will be a guaranteed Critical Hit.Foundon the top level of the stone structure in the Self-Same Trial in the Gauntlet of Shar, Act II. ...
Interactive map Act 1 Our interactive map for BG3 is about the locations from the prologue (Nautiloid) and Act 1. The guide shows all the places and secrets from the regions of Overgrown Ruins, Adventurous Cliffs, Druid Grove, Path of the Awakened, Abandoned Village, Goblin Camp, Destroyed ...
Get the Orphic Hammer From Raphael in BG3 The easiest way to get the Orphic Hammer is byspeaking to Raphael at Sharess’ Caressnear Wyrm’s Crossing in Act 3. This is the first time you speak to the devil after Act 2, and he offers you the Orphic Hammer. However, the hammer doesn...
When you drop into Zombies, the default gun is more useful than many players think and can see you progress deep into the Zombies map. The SVA 545 is one of thebest weapons for beginnersif you can get used to the firing system. Featuring a unique burst style, it fires outtwo bullets ...
Baldur’s Gate 3: How to Find the Hag in Act 3 (BG3) Confront the Elder Brain Quest Objectives You’ll begin the Confront the Elder Brain Quest way back at the end of BG3’s Act 2, once you actually find out about the Elder Brain’s existence and the Chosen Three. And now that...
To find the infamous Guildhall inBaldur’s Gate 3, you’ll need to arrive at the town of Rivington and start Act Three. I would call this the halfway point of the game, and it’s here that you’ll receive a new map to help you find new locations like the Guildhall. ...
You can now trade with Volo when he arrives at your camp in Act III. Shadowheart and Selûnites will now automatically pass the check for recognising a statue of Selûne. Petting Scratch and the owlbear cub at the same time while Speaking with Animals will grant the ‘You Have Two Han...
BG2 had a ton of areas true, but many were very small and didnt really feel complete, compare druid grove of BG2 vs BG3 for example, just drawing a map and creating a small location is kind of lazy in todays standards. another examples is from PF:KM which i really liked, the map ...