Late-game equipment is available in Act III and the latter parts of Act II, however sometimes items from the early-game section remain powerful enough to be carried into late-game. Equipment SlotItem Head Mask of Soul Perception Cloak Shade-Slayer Cloak Chest Bhaalist Armour OR Elegant Studded...
The easiest way to get the Orphic Hammer is byspeaking to Raphael at Sharess’ Caressnear Wyrm’s Crossing in Act 3. This is the first time you speak to the devil after Act 2, and he offers you the Orphic Hammer. However, the hammer doesn’t come without cost. You need to sign a...
The best healing items in Baldur's Gate 3. List of equipment that triggers on healing in BG3. Healer build guide.
To get Nyrulna, you need to go to the Circus of the Last Days near Rivington in Act 3 and pickpocket Akabi the Djinni to steal his magic ring which makes it so players can never win, then spin the wheel. Akabi will accuse you of cheating and teleport you to a jungle where you ne...
Sell items as usual Toggle back to barter Give away 1 item as barter Close the barter window If you are going to trade anywhere in Act 1, use a place with 2 traders, like the Myconid Colony. One player had success with 1 trader by: ...
116,752 Version 1 Download: Manual 11 items Last updated 09 September 20244:47AM Original upload 02 March 20244:24PM Created by FocusBG3 Uploaded by Margerard Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Modder's Resource Tag this mod ...
Believe it or not, the easiest way to save the Tieflings is to select one of two characters left in your party, move to the opposite side of the prison, andattack a guard. This will lock all guards into combat with that character while your other two are still free to act ...
水墨风格武侠横版过关ACT游戏素材+贴图+音效 / pic 1849张 背景3_2(bg3_2) 成套的全民飞机大站和雷霆战机素材-leitingzhanji2 / 资产(assets) / 地图(map) 690张 该资源来自于专辑"三国RPG策略网页游戏《战三国》完整源码"浏览专辑 邮件(mail) 三国RPG策略网页游戏《战三国》完整源码 / 小图(sma...
Mol now brings up the fact that you are missing some items. Act II Updated the sight range of the Umbral Tremors in the Gauntlet of Shar so that they join combat automatically. Fixed the scene with Ketheric’s dying words getting cut off prematurely due to a summon despawning. Fixed the...
• All Acts - maps for Act 1, Act 2 & Act 3 included! If you find a bug, or have any suggestions for the app, please use the 'Send Feedback' option below to let us know! Disclaimer: MapGenie is in no way affiliated with Larian (the developers of BG3!) ...