Finally, we’ll walk through the late-game portion of levelling the Karlach Berserker Build – Levels 9-12. Level 9 – BG3 Karlach Build At Level 9 your Proficiency bonus is improved to +4, meaning you’ll now get a +4 bonus to all dice rolls with skills and weapons that you are...
BG3 Conjuration Wizard Build Character Creation (Level 1) In this section, we will walk you through the Character Creation for your BG3 Conjuration Wizard Build, including the best Race, Background, Skills, Abilities, Spells and Cantrips. ...
You can only recruit Halsin in Act 2 of BG3. Once you reach the Last Light Inn, Halsin will try to find a child named Thaniel. Help him through the Lift the Shadow Curse quest and build your approval rating. This lets you pursue a romance with him in Act 3. Romancing Halsin in...
Fixed a table you could walk through in Peartree’s Home. Fixed Thrumbo’s boat floating above the water. Shifted the main floor in Sharess’ Caress. Fixed a gap in Balthazar’s secret room at Moonrise Towers. Moved a burnt book in Act I. Fixed being able to look through the floor o...
BG3 Enchantment Wizard Build Character Creation (Level 1) In this section, we will walk you through the Character Creation for your BG3 Enchantment Wizard Build, including the best Race, Background, Skills, Abilities, Spells and Cantrips. ...
BG3 Transmutation Wizard Build Character Creation (Level 1) In this section, we will walk you through the Character Creation for your BG3 Transmutation Wizard Build, including the best Race, Background, Skills, Abilities, Spells and Cantrips. ...
Spike Growth, Transmutation Spell – Spike Growth covers an AOE (6 metre radius) with spikes, dealing piercing damage to enemies who walk through it, every 1.5 metres they move. It also halves their movement speed in the area. Enemies cannot perform Saving Throws to resist this damage, making...
BG3 Abjuration Wizard Build Character Creation (Level 1) In this section, we will walk you through the Character Creation for your BG3 Abjuration Wizard Build, including the best Race, Background, Skills, Abilities, Spells and Cantrips. ...
BG3 Illusion Wizard Build Character Creation (Level 1) In this section, we will walk you through the Character Creation for your BG3 Illusion Wizard Build, including the best Race, Background, Skills, Abilities, Spells and Cantrips.