although if you are using the EEs you can shorten the CLUAConsole commands to these; C:CreateCreature("xxxx") C:CreateItem("xxxx" what i can do is attach the EE creature file of vai, and see if that helps ( just unzip it and place it inside your over ride folder ) although if t...
Win10p64b V1809(OS Build 17763.55) ATI EEU maximum number of session has been surpassed Win10PE won't boot Window 10 Enterprise auto login on domain linked workstation Window Update Registry Key Missing Windows + L does not work Windows 10 - 1809 - installing RSAT Toolset - error code ...
Win10p64b V1809(OS Build 17763.55) ATI EEU maximum number of session has been surpassed Win10PE won't boot Window 10 Enterprise auto login on domain linked workstation Window Update Registry Key Missing Windows + L does not work Windows 10 - 1809 - installing RSAT Toolset - error code ...
# git reflog是显示所有的操作记录,包括提交,回退的操作。 一般用来找出操作记录中的版本号,进行回退。 git reflog常用于恢复本地的错误操作。 The reflog is strictly local and isn’t part of the repository. It’s also not included in pushes, fetches, or clones. The most significant distinction betwee...
This mod replaces the standard, one picture at a time, portrait chooser with a screen that shows 10 pictures at a time.
10ffc00ee 0 x10ffb7000+37102Problem:Library Validation Library Validation is a protection that prohibits a process to load dynamic libraries without a digital signature issued by same team id SamplingTools on High Sierra are signed with Library Validation flag,which prohibits loading modules that ar...
"commands": [ { "command": "chinese-colors.helloWorld", "title": "Hello World" } ] }, } activationEvents是插件的激活配置,它是一个数组,每一项对应一个激活插件的条件,格式为“<类型>:<名称>”,onCommand是调用命令(也就是上面的输入Hello World)。
az ad sp show --id bc313c14-388c-4e7d-a58e-70017303ee3b --query id -o tsv Sign in to Azure CLI using the service principal. Use the or id value from the previous step to enable custom locations on the cluster: Azure CLI Копиране az connectedk8s enable-features -n ...
IConsole2::QueryResultView method (Windows) MI_ProviderFT_Unload function pointer (Windows) IMsRdpWorkspace2::StartWorkspaceEx method (Windows) C-C++ COM Code Example: Creating a Transactional Queue IACLCustomMRU interface (Windows) IFileSaveDialog::SetOptions method (Windows) ULongLongToDWordPtr ...
IConsole2::QueryResultView method (Windows) MI_ProviderFT_Unload function pointer (Windows) IMsRdpWorkspace2::StartWorkspaceEx method (Windows) C-C++ COM Code Example: Creating a Transactional Queue IACLCustomMRU interface (Windows) IFileSaveDialog::SetOptions method (Windows) ULongLongToDWordPtr ...