611 576 Snedruid The Maelstrom KUNGERUU 3 - 3 50.0% 1020 576 Iraha The Maelstrom Dayum She Mythicc 3 - 2 60.0% 1828 576 Bockelicious The Maelstrom 3 - 5 37.5% 1849 576 Xyry The Maelstrom Of the Silver Spoon 3 - 1 75.0% 1961 576 Acronix The Maelstrom Genesis 3 - 2 60.0% 2570...
I do always end up on Rogue/Druid/Paladin, which is what I played through vo-nilla. 1 Like Eilane-kilrogg July 13, 2024, 1:38am 132 I dumped an absurd amount of play time in OW, but after this obnoxious battle pass system in OW2 I pretty much stopped playing. I probably have...
4794 575 Rhodedruids Destromath We Like Turtles 3 - 0 100.0% 4928 575 Greenmarth Destromath Incinerate 3 - 7 30.0% 3518 574 Varrukk Destromath 3 - 5 37.5% 694 384 Deathkingx Destromath Night Avengers 2 - 1 66.7% 840 384 Yggdràsil Destromath Talent 2 - 2 50.0% 840 384 Elorias ...
I guess I could post on my Alliance Druid, but since all my alliance buddies went to classic only Jd will play with me. 1 Like Jd-grobbulus July 27, 2020, 5:52pm 5517 Just going to point out that Tsataga has the best guild name ever. You can thank Tribbie for coining the ...
An ancient red dragon terrorizes the Sword Coast and is hunted down by a large group of adventurers. The Weave Masters are founded in Baldur's Gate with the help of the bronze dragon Shimshelussir 'the Benevolent Fang'. The Keepers of the Elder Circle become a prominent force in the prote...
yes, Moon Druids are better than ever now. Table of Contents of all D&D Builds to date: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18lsjEdNIXayLCUsv9v-Afx-y3MEone2c2EGszBtGw8U/edit?usp=sharing I'd appreciate it if you'd consider supporting the channel by becoming a member! https://...
Best BG3 Druid Build Guide. Explore a powerful Druid Build, focusing on the Circle of Moon subclass in Baldur's Gate 3. Tips, Leveling, Gear!
All three Druid subclasses are really good, but the Circle of the Moon probably secures the status as the best Druid variation, gaining access to a wider variety ofWild Shapes(including theBearat Level 2, which is a great early game fighter and tank) and more powerful attacks when Wild Sha...
As a result, many of Druid's staple abilities still need to be included, and the rest could be better in performance, especially compared to other, higher-tier characters.The best subclass for Druid is Circle of the Moon, which gives you a much heavier focus on the Wild Shape C...
Things just got serious, and some players will decide they want tofree the Tieflings. Upon reaching the Last-Light Inn, a haven for the Harpers battling The Absolute and Tiefling refugees, you will learn that most of the Tiefling Refugees from Druid’s Cove have been kidnapped by t...