Control panel with display for one or two 24V electromechanical operators used on 230V swing gates. There are two power modules, which are interchangeable and can operate all motors. The radio receiver is incorporated and the memory of the remote controls is removable and expandable. It has an...
wiring thanks to extractable terminals blocks. • Safety thanks to the AUTODIAGNOSIS function with LEDs for detecting faults. • Complete with incorporated two-channel receiver and pedestrian management. • Programming upgraded with the following functions: locked shut maintenance, 3/4 step logic,...
possibility to delete a specific remote control, customization of the 4 radio channels, personalization of the duration of the delayed output, adjustable sensitivity to the obstacle. Main functions: automatic re-closing, separate motor working times, stays locked when closed, water hammer, 2/3/4 ...
Control panel with display for one or two 24V electromechanical operators used on 230V swing gates. There are two power modules, which are interchangeable and can operate all motors. The radio receiver is incorporated and the memory of the remote controls is removable and expandable. It has an...
Control panel with display for one or two 24V electromechanical operators used on 230V swing gates. There are two power modules, which are interchangeable and can operate all motors. The radio receiver is incorporated and the memory of the remote controls is removable and expandable. It has an...