Which one we should prefer when doing quantization When doing 4-bit : float16 or bfloat16? When doing 8-bit : float16 or bfloat16? When doing half precision 16-bit : float16 or bfloat16? torch_type = torch.float16 vs torch_type = torch.bfloat16 e.g. model = AutoModelForCausalL...
Currently, we convert the weight to float16 during quantization. However, since we have done significant performance improvements with bfloat16 quantization, I am wondering if we can also support for bfloat16 during quantization. https://github.com/ml-explore/mlx-examples/blob/main/llms/mlx_lm...
How the bfloat16 number format, popular in machine learning, compares to other 16-bit numbers in terms of range and precision.
dataset.shape #output:(53480, 37) array = dataset.values X = array[:,0:36] Y = array[:,36] kf = KFold(n_splits=10) kf.get_n_splits(X) ACC_array = np.array([]) sensitivity_array = np.array([]) specificity_array = np.array([]) ...
If you need accurate calculations, in particular if you work with financial or business data requiring a high precision, you should consider using Decimal instead.
I have access to a sapphire rapids machine and I want to multiply two bfloat16 matrices A and B and compute C = A*B by exploiting AMX_BF16 extensons.
v2:Rebase. Accroding to the BFloat16 spec, some vector iterators and new pattern are added in md files. gcc/ChangeLog: * config/riscv/riscv.md: Add new insn name for vector BFloat16. * config/riscv/vector-iterators.md: Add some iterators for vector BFloat16. * config/riscv/vector...
6 bf16test: #7 .cfi_startproc8 # %bb.0:9 movzwl (%rdi), %eax10 shll $16, %eax11 vmovd %eax, %xmm012 movzwl 2(%rdi), %eax13 shll $16, %eax14 vmovd %eax, %xmm115 movzwl 4(%rdi), %eax16 shll $16, %eax17 vmovd %eax, %xmm218 vsubss %xmm2, %xmm0, %...
🐛 Describe the bug Continuing from Lightning-AI/pytorch-lightning#19980 Autocasting a TransformerEncoder to bfloat16 works in training time, but not in eval time: import math import torch from torch import nn, Tensor class PoseFSQAutoEnc...