export type ApiClientOptions = { loader: (input: ApiClientLoaderInput, options?: ApiClientLoaderOptions) => Promise<JsonType> } export const createApiClient = (options: ApiClientOptions) => { return { hello: (input: HelloInput, loaderOptions?: ApiClientLoaderOptions) => { return options.lo...
import { Api, ObjectType } from '@ctrip/rpc-bff' class HelloInput extends ObjectType { name = String } class HelloOutput extends ObjectType { message = String } export const hello = Api( { input: HelloInput, output: HelloOutput, }, async ({ name }) => { return { message: `Hello...
至此,我们了解到了 RPC-BFF 的后端和前端分别的开发方式,可以看到对于 RPC-BFF 服务的开发者来说,并没有引入复杂的 API 或者概念,仅仅是在编写朴素函数的心智模型的基础上,将定义函数输入和输出结构的方式,从朴素的 Type 换成了 RPC-BFF Schema。 对于RPC-BFF 服务的调用方而言,只是增加了 rpc.config.js 配置...
MsgMeaningwParamlParam BFFM_ENABLEOK Enables or disables the dialog box's OK button. Not used. To enable, set to a nonzero value. To disable, set to zero. BFFM_SETOKTEXT Version 6.0 or later. Sets the text that is displayed on the dialog box's OK button. Not used. A pointer to ...
There's only so much you can do in a small sample like this, but Aspire allows you to bring up containers, databases and more using the same pattern. (Meaning you can easily bring in frontends written in other languages for instance.) Visit the (updated) eShop sample for more on that...
The value and meaning of this parameter is determined by the notification received. For more information, see the notification message descriptions under theuMsgparameter. [in] lpData Contains a pointer to theDSBROWSEINFOstructure passed to theDsBrowseForContainerfunction. This is true for all notifica...
Strong Type Mode: The strong type mode refers to the POJO object returned by the query interface, and each query result corresponds to a clear field with specific business meaning in the POJO. Weak Type Mode: Weak Type Mode means that the query result is returned in KV or JSON mode withou...
它与`creator 2d`的分组配置类似,但是有所差别,`creator 2d`的分组配置只负责初始化,而`3d`中还会负责自动更新(未来可能会调整为仅初始化)。 因此,开启`useCollisionMatrix`后将只能通过碰撞矩阵设置掩码值,意味着不能使用`setMask`等相关的API。若要运行时修改碰撞矩阵,请参考[物理系统](../../physics/...
Choose the meaning for the sentence.qǐnggěiwǒfāpiào 。 请给我发票。 A. Please give me a receipt. B. Please give me a ticket. 查看完整题目与答案 以下关于光源相干长度的说法中,哪些是正确的( ) A. 氦氖激光器的相干长度大于大功率LED的相干长度 B. 相干长度与光源的波长成正比 C. 光...
速度为v的子弹,打穿一块木板后速度变为零,设木板对子弹的阻力是恒定的。那么,当子弹射入木板的深度等于其厚度的一半时,子弹的速度是( )