PC A 1000 F -5 -O Ordering information 1S eries name 2S ingle output 3O utput wattage 4U niversal input 5O utput voltage 6O ptional *6C :w ith Coating G : L ow leakage current T : T erminal Block Style I : w ith PMBus interface F2 : R everse air exhaust ...
Panasonic FX-550L、DP-100L 和 HG-C1000L 系列产品说明书 Capable of diagnosing own state and reporting to the host device FX -550L SERIES DP -100L SERIES HG -C1000L SERIES industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/2018.07Self-Monitoring Sensor IO-Link Compatible, High-level Self-diagnosis Digital ...
奥姆-芝普-PRTEMP1000 压力温度数据记录仪产品说明书
TDS1000C-EDU数字存储波形仪系列数据手册说明书 TDS1012C-EDU