BFD控制消息以UDP封装。RFC规定,单跳检测时,目的端口为3784。多跳检测时,目的端口为4784。 华为防火墙产品默认使用UDP 3784作为多跳检测的端口。可使用命令multi-hop destination-port 4784修改为标准端口。 此外,BFD还有一个附加功能,BFD回声功能,即BFD Echo。本端发送BFD Echo报文,远端不对报文处理,而是将报文从反...
Desired echo tx interval: 500 ms The configured (or default) echo interval used by Local router. local negotiated echo tx interval: 500 ms Based on the upper value negotiated between Local (configured minimum-interval or default value) and Remote router (published capability for Echo receive inte...
· RFC 7130:Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) on Link Aggregation Group (LAG) Interfaces 1.2 BFD配置限制和指导 缺省BFD运行版本1,同时兼容版本0。不能通过命令行配置修改为版本0,当对端设备运行版本0会话时,本端自动会切换到版本0。 BFD会话建立后,可以动态协商BFD的相关参数(例如最小发送间隔、最小接...
BFD(Bidirectional Forwarding Detection,双向转发检测)是一种基于RFC 5880标准的高速故障检测机制,两个系统建立BFD会话后,在它们之间的通道上周期性地发送BFD报文,如果一方在协商的检测时间内没有接收到BFD报文,则认为这条双向通道上发生了故障。上层协议通过BFD感知到链路故障后可以及时采取措施,进行故障恢复。 为什么要...
BFD Over Bundle (BoB) (RFC 7130) has a BFD session on each bundle member. BOB verifies the ability for each member link to be able to forward Layer 3 packets. For BFD over Bundle, the BFD client is bundlemgr. When BFD detects a failure on a bundle member, bundlemgr rem...
·RFC 7130:Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) on Link Aggregation Group (LAG) Interfaces 1.2 BFD配置限制和指导 缺省BFD运行版本1,同时兼容版本0。不能通过命令行配置修改为版本0,当对端设备运行版本0会话时,本端自动会切换到版本0。 BFD会话建立后,可以动态协商BFD的相关参数(例如最小发送间隔、最小接收...
Effective from the Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x onwards, Port-channel BFD (Micro-BFD as per RFC7130) on RSP3 is supported in both hardware offloaded and software offloaded. Hardware offloaded session timers are supported from 3.3 ms to ...
BFD echo packets are encapsulated into UDP packets over destination and source UDP port number 3785. The BFD echo packet format is vendor-specific and has not been defined in the RFC. BFD echo packets that originate from Cumulus Linux are 8 bytes long and have the following format: ...
BFD echo packets are encapsulated into UDP packets over destination and source UDP port number 3785. The BFD echo packet format is vendor-specific and has not been defined in the RFC. BFD echo packets that originate from Cumulus Linux are 8 bytes long and have the following format: ...
In this case, BFD works in asynchronous mode. BFD also can work in demand mode, in which control messages are sent only when necessary. Most vendors support the asynchronous BFD mode only. BFD control messages are encapsulated in UDP packets. According to RFC, the destination p...