Lightning Marker Naily Needle Nickel Pen Pie Pillow Pin Puffball Remote Robot Flower Rocky Saw Snowball Tennis Ball Tree TV Yellow Face Season 4b[] Contestant Team(s)[Pre-Split] Team(s)[Post-Split] Placement Status Votes Stage Balloony 14th 14th Eliminated"Take th...
Lightning† LiyX Lollipop†† LoserX Marker† MatchX Naily† Needle† Nickel† Pen† PencilX Pie† Pillow† Pin† Profily/ Puffball† Remote† Robot Flower† RobotyX Rocky† RubyXX Saw† Snowball† SpongyXX StapyX TacoXX Teardrop Tennis Ball† Tree† TV† Wood...
teacher holding a marker while talking teacher writing on her notebook a young student attending her online classes a student showing his classmates his wand a male vendor selling fruits a shirtless male climber a sound engineer listening to music female talking to a psychiatrist in a therapy sess...
teacher holding a marker while talking teacher writing on her notebook a young student attending her online classes a student showing his classmates his wand a male vendor selling fruits a shirtless male climber a sound engineer listening to music female talking to a psychiatrist in a therapy sess...