Stick Nodes is a simple-but-powerful stickfigure animation app created for mobile devices. Easily create your own animations of moving stickfigures right on your Android, iPhone, or iPad! Easy for new animators but incredibly robust for more skilled users - the simplicity of Pivot with the pow...
139. bet one s bottom dollar 确信无疑 140. Variety isthe spice of life. 多样化丰富生活 141. a wolf in sheep s clothing 披着羊皮的狼 142. Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达 143. like abull in a china shop 笨手笨...
52:Successis measured not by how much money you have made,but by how manypeopleyou have helped. 衡量成功的标准不是看你赚了多少钱,而是看你帮了多少人。 语法:(一般现在时被动语态,“how”引导的宾语从句,作介词宾语。“but”连接两个宾语从句表示转折。)...
One more confirmation that he was a loser. But Sparky still didn’t give up. Instead, he decided to tell his own life’s story in cartoons. The main character would be a little boy who symbolized the boy who always lost. You know him well. Because Sparky’s cartoon character went on...
For Sparky, school was all but impossible. He failed every subject in the eighth grade. He didn’t do much better in sports. Although he played for the school’s golf team, he lost the only important match of the season. Sparky was a loser. He, his classmates…everyone knew it. Spark...
But it was some time ___ the door was opened. A. before 参考答案: B. until C. after D. when A 4. Many experts agree that there is a possibility ___ in this area in the following days. A. when some more earthquakes may happen B. that some more earthquakes may happen C...
presidential elections, the recurring narrative for journalists is straightforward and designed to reaffirm our faith in The System: The victor is known at the close of election night, the loser concedes quickly to help bestow legitimacy ... ...
I have a friend who drives really beat-up, raggedy cars, but he will scrimp and save 15,000 dollars at one point to buy a flute because music is what really matters to him. He smalled up.简化就是要弄清楚你真正需要的是满足感和踏实感。...
B. may have borrowed,didn't use C. must have borrowed,wasn't using D. should have borrowed,hadn't used 3. After the earthquake,a new primary school was put up ___ there had once been a cinema.( )A. where B. that C. which D. when 4. It is such ___ funny movie...
He is the ___ in the team. A. fundraiser B. spender C. loser D. winner 答案:A。解析:fundraiser是筹款人的意思,Sam擅长拉赞助和筹钱,所以他是筹款人。spender是花钱的人,loser是失败者,winner是胜利者,都不符合题意。 6. In the school debate team, Tom can think quickly and refute the opponen...