徒手肌力评定(MMT)是在特定体位下让患者做标准动作,通过触摸肌腹,观察肌肉克服自身重力或对抗阻力完成动作的能力,从而对患者肌肉主动收缩的能力进行评定。 或徒手肌力检查(manual muscle testing,MMT)是根据受检者肌肉或肌群的功能,让患者处于不同的受检位置,嘱患者...
1 Time has been increased from the recommended value in the KiloVault manual based on analysis of the unit’s reported SOC, the inverter reported SOC, and the amount of charge acceptance. 2 Max current limit based on charge controller model. 3 Ensure the maximum battery charging current is ...
什么是成瘾行为(addctive behavior)?根据最新版《精神障碍诊断与统计手册》(Diagnostic and StatisticalManual of Mental Disorders Fifth ed., DSM-5)中关于物质成瘾的诊断,其症状包含4大方面:受损的控制能力(impaired control),社会功能受损(social impairment),风险使用(risk...