1. Major Modern First Language Acquisition Theories 现代主要母语习得理论 How do children acquire language is at the center of the debate. Learning theorists such as Skinner maintained ( 1957 ) that language is acquired through reinforcement. Chomsky (1959 )argued that language was far too complex ...
平克尔(1994)在《语言本能》一书中则从进化、历史、解剖、生理和儿童发展的角度考察了语言的获得(language acquisition),认为语言习得一定是建立在一个强有力的和特殊的内在机制——他将其称为"语言本能"——的基础上的。应该说一定程度上乔姆斯基是借"柏拉图...
15. B.F. Skinner is the chief exponent of ___. A. the interactional viewsB. the contextualist views C. the innatist viewsD. the behaviorist views 16. The study of how language is learned is called ___. A. language acquisitionB. applied linguistics C. pysholinguisticsD. pragmatics...
行为主义的代表人物包括爱德华·桑代克(Edward Lee Thorndike)和“教学机器之父”伯尔赫斯·斯金纳(Burrhus Frederic Skinner)。行为主义认为人的行为是后天习得的,个人的行为模式由环境决定,是典型的“环境决定论”,忽略了人的主观能动性。 20世纪50—70年代,认知革命...
2.Condition-oriented theories: 强调条件 emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place, such as the number of students, the kind of input learners receives, and the atmosphere. 3.Behavioristtheory,(Skinner and waston raynor) A the key point of ...
Unit 1 Language and Language Learning ACourseinEnglishlanguageTeaching 英语教学法英语教学实践 Instructor:MaLina Self-Reflection What’syourreasonsofchoosingthiscourseorteaching-orientated?Whatexpectationdoyouhaveonthiscourse?What’syourcareerplan?Neverforgetwhyyoustarted,andyourmissioncanbe...
翻译L104 王荻10L1301124 Chapter 12 Pragmatics Pragmatics is the study of meanning in context. It deals with paticular utterances in particular situations and is especially concered with the various ways in which many social contexts of language proformance can influence interpretation. In other ...
In Skinner's learning theory (Holland & Skinner, 1961 ; Skinner, 1938), reinforcement value was defined solely by its ability to perform the response- strengthening function. It has been suggested in a three- function learning theory (Staats , 1968) that the reinforcing value of a stimulus ...
17. The Natural Approach advocates that language teaching should emphasize ___ rather than form. 18. According to Skinner,a renowned behaviorist psychologist,___ was much more effective than punishment in a teaching situation. 19. The Direct Method got its name from the assumption that ___ ...