@TheWhistlingDeath what type of 109 you buildin'? 6.9 years ago 2,528 TheWhistlingDeath I'm actully makeing a bf109 g6 too! Do you have any suggestions? 6.9 years ago 6,797 IanJDYT Better cockpit 👌👌👌 6.9 years ago 35.1k AdlerSteiner @CoolPeach very big XD 6.9 ...
The model is Hasegawa's 1/32 scale Messerschmitt Bf 109G-6 built using Cutting Edge's resin cockpit set and finished in EagleCals decals. This is the model that I used as the subject for theScaleWorkshop Video series, which may be downloaded elsewhere on Testor's ScaleWorkshop. The Cha...
This kit doesn't have Galland Hood, or tall tail options. So, you're pretty much restricted to an early or mid G6. The only flaw I've really noted are some very shallow ejector pin marks on the cockpit side walls. They are so shallow that I didn't even see them be...
1943年2月,Bf-109 G6改进型配备了MG 131机枪,取代了较小的7.92毫米MG17机枪。从外部来看,枪膛上形成了两个较大的水泡状外形,使飞机速度降低了9 km/h(6 mph) 。 梅塞施密特Bf-109 G6生产数量超过12,000架。 (来源:维基百科) (屏幕截图中的B-17飞行堡垒编队是Flight Replicas出品的免费软件,可在flight-...
I was done. I realize MDC and others have awesome cockpits. However, as any model geek knows, if something comes out that you have been waiting for, you buy it and get to work! My next 109 will have the MDC set. The fuselage was super easy to construct. I did not encounter any ...
@Zott yeah I can imagine it’s not an easy one to integrate into the cockpit. You should add the type of 109 it is to the name and description! A lot of people seem to really love the G6 probably because of Erich Hartman +2 5.3 years ago 45.0k Zott @Mustang51 Thank you as ...
Works on all Bf-109K, G, and F models (Though G6 and below have minor errors around the cockpit area) #1 of my new 501st series of skins 作者 詹姆斯 莫里亚蒂 下载 8 查看 388 首次发布 2024/07/13 最后更新 2024/07/13 评分 0.00 星 共计0 人给出评价 加入讨论 原贴地址 来...
Eila Ilmatar Juutilainen's Bf-109K-4 Works on all Bf-109K, G, and F models (Though G6 and below have minor errors around the cockpit area) #5 of my new 501st series of skins 作者 詹姆斯 莫里亚蒂 下载 19 查看 387 首次发布 2024/07/13 最后更新 2024/07/13 评分 0.00 星 ...
Yes, Detcord you're absolutely right, many want do flying only and will not care if there are flaws in the paint scheme which you anyway no see flying cockpit view only? Any many thanks for fruitful discussion! I lost all my flying skills (what ever skill that was ...
Auto Credit Based on AdlerSteiner's Project 109 Finally! you've all been waiting for, i hope this gets 100 upvotes, maybe it won't but hey! glad to have you this! Features: Realistic Cockpit Interior Openable Canopy Ammo counter decreasing Bullet Shell Ejection Actual Weapons (...