💸🎸 专辑中的《The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress》更是被广大发烧友誉为试音神器,每次播放都能带来震撼的音效体验。🌕🎶 所以,如果你是一位追求极致音质的HiFi爱好者,这张《Beyond The Missouri Sky》绝对是你音响系统测试的不二之选。赶紧入手一张,享受这场音乐与音响的完美结合吧!🎵0 0 发表评论 发表 ...
Beyond the Missouri Sky 听相似歌曲 表演者:Charlie Haden/Pat Metheny 流派:爵士 专辑类型:专辑 介质:Audio CD 发行时间:2003-10-16 出版者:Polygram Int'l 唱片数:2 条形码:8808678314823 豆瓣评分 9.3 418人评价 5星 69.2% 4星 27.5% 3星 3.4%
The Precious Jewel 珍贵的宝石 He's Gone Away 他离开了 The Moon Song 月亮之歌 Tears of Rain 雨泪 Cinema Paradiso(love teme) 天堂影院(爱情主题曲) Cinema Paradiso(main teme) 天堂影院(主题曲) Spiritual 精神 我要写乐评 密苏里天空下--查理·海登 派特·麦席尼 beyond the Missouri Sky(short stories...
在Apple Music 上收听Charlie Haden & Pat Metheny的《Beyond the Missouri Sky (Short Stories)》。1996年。13 首歌曲。时长:1 小时 9 分钟
早上7点起床听了一张专辑《Beyond the Missouri Sky (Short Stories)》——Apple Music 「午夜爵士」专题推荐的一张纯乐器Jazz。静谧,细腻,色调偏冷。特适合睡前或者早上刚刚醒的时候听。记得有一次午休快醒的时候,家属给我放了Bill Evans 的专辑,怎么说呢,能感受到一种超脱世俗的极其平静的惬意:你徒步走到世界...
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He would point out the glittering New York City skyline, telling his grandkids to look at the lights and reminding them that someone had to change each one of those bulbs. Today, Lamberth points out the impact of her work to her kids, telling them to look at all those people on ...
Beyond the Missouri Sky (Short Stories)1954年8月12日,Pat Metheny出生于美国堪萨斯市的一个音乐世家...
Interview: Beyond the BlackBerry Mike Lazaridis is the man behind the top-selling BlackBerry. Not content with sitting back and counting the dollars, he is pumping upwards of C$150 million into blue sky quantum physics research. He tells Paul Marks what drew him to the ......