网站评测观点如下: alaTest收集并分析了亚马逊网站上57条拜亚动力MMX 300的用户评论。该产品的平均用户评分为4.6/5,而亚马逊网站上其他耳机的平均用户评分为3.9/5。评论者对其可靠性和耐用性印象深刻。舒适性和价格也得到了赞赏。 ✅优点: 声音、价格、舒适度、耐用性、可靠性 亚马逊网站上95%的评论都...
亚马逊购买地址>>|美国亚马逊Amazon直邮中国手把手教程>> Beyerdynamic MMX300 PC Gaming Premium Digital Headset with Microphone是拜亚旗舰款游戏耳机,头梁和耳罩连接处采用金属材质,耳罩为碳纤维材质,耳垫则采用了皮质和天鹅绒材料,触 感舒适。此外,MMX300附件中还带有一个具有静音和音量控制的USB声卡,可以将耳机转接...
MMX300 二代是拜亚2017年推出的MMX300 第二代旗舰款游戏耳机,是一款基于HS 300飞行员专用通讯耳机的技术上开发出的产品,能应对机师驾驶飞机时各种复杂的吵杂环境,这也适合于游戏玩家对耳机的特别要求。频响范围达到5-35000Hz、阻抗32Ω,内置声卡,听声辩位更精准。带有麦克风,提供了3.5mm音频插头和USB插头,附带的US...
The new beyerdynamic Free BYRD earbuds are available beginning today for € 229.00 in the beyerdynamic online store and on Amazon. Free BYRD's release marks the first time the company has brought its genuine premium sound - designed and developed in Heilbronn, Germany - to compact true wireless...
Beyerdynamic MMX300 PC Gaming Premium Digital Headset with Microphone拜亚动力 MMX300 旗舰头戴式游戏耳机,美亚111人3.8星好评。 拜亚动力MMX300游戏耳机,是旗舰款游戏耳机,具有专业性能和高品质,借鉴了通用航空耳机设计,可满足驾驶舱内的复杂条件(欧洲航天局用MMX 300的等同物HS 800 Digital来训练宇航员)。
beyerdynamic MMX 300 (2nd Generation) Premium Gaming Headset 拜亚动力 MMX 300 2.0 电竞头戴游戏耳机,美国亚马逊4星好评,原价$349,现7折。国内天猫beyerdynamic旗舰店售价¥2679。 这款Beyerdynamic 拜亚动力 MMX 300 2.0 电竞头戴游戏耳机 ,定位于高端游戏发烧友,具有HIFI级水准的数字式游戏耳麦,源自专业的航天通讯...
Beyerdynamic MMX 300 Pro (Black) at Amazon for $199 The MMX 300 Pro is a wired, closed-back over-ear (circumaural) gaming headset with a flexible spring steel frame. It comes with a long detachable cable with an inline remote that plugs into the left earcup and features a rotating non...
Having also used the Beyerdynamiic's more expensive gaming model, theMMX 300($300 at the time of writing), I can safely say that the Custom Game is a better value for the money. But does it really provide the kind of sounds that gamers demand? Or is it just a case of Beyerdynamic...