Of the 144026 characters on Anime Characters Database, 8 are from the anime Beyblade Burst Evolution.
The latest series, “Beyblade Burst,” will roll out a toy series as well as comics and animation as a new chapter titled “Beyblade Burst Dynamite Battle” from April 2021. The most prominent feature of the Dynamite Battle series is “evolution.” By installing evolution parts, the main cha...
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Current logo used since the merger in 2006. Tomy Company Ltd. (株式会社タカラトミー, Kabushikigaisha Takara Tomī), also known as Takara Tomy is a Japanese toy company and the distributor and manufacturer of the Beyblade toyline in Japan. They currently host Beyblade tournaments in Japan. ...
由Kei创建的关于Beyblade的网站,用于发布Beyblade(特别是Burst)的教程、比赛、访谈等内容的文章。 BeyBse网站的LOGO 五强配置的部件及其替换 #5 Imperial Achilles 00 Expand Destroy Dash (IA.00E.Ds’) Imperial Achilles.00E.Ds' 组装所需(译者注:这里是把最容易获得的方式列出来): ...
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Austin讲故事创作的儿童有声书作品Beyblade Burst Evolution,目前已更新6个声音,收听最新音频章节Wizard Fafnir。介绍Beyblade