19 July, 2020 Is Hospice the Right Choice 22 June, 2023 in the news We're getting noticed for our work across South Texas Comprehensive Home Health & Hospice is committed to serving the South Texas community. We continue to be a resource across the community for health and age related issu...
Bexar County has an area of 1,256 square miles and over 2 million residents. San Antonia, the second most populous city in Texas, is located in this county. The Bexar County Court system’s mission statement is “Build a better community through quality services.” Texas has a total ...
Purpose:? The San Antonio population of nearly 1.4 million people is centered in Bexar County. The county hospital district (a.k.a, University Health System (UHS)) provides one county hospital. The MH/MR authority and provider of mental health services for Bexar county is the Center for ...
Phone:(210) 335-2011 Fax:(210) 335-2252 www.bexar.org In south-central TX, southwest of Austin; original county, established Mar 17, 1836 (prior to statehood) from Old Mexican Municipality.Name Origin:For the Presidio of San Antonio de Bexas (later known as the Alamo), named for the...
Cultural Resources Investigations for the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Project, Bexar County, Texas At the request of TriLeaf Corporation (TriLeaf), SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted a cultural resources investigation for the University of Texas Health Science...
Expanding Healthcare Service Delivery in South Bexar County, Texas: Development and Implementation of a School-Based Health CenterCamerino I. Salazar
Purpose: The San Antonio population of nearly 1.4 million people is centered in Bexar County. The county hospital district (a.k.a, University Health System (UHS)) provides one county hospital. The MH/MR authority and provider of mental health services for Bexar county is the Center for ...
In south-central TX, southwest of Austin; original county, established Mar 17, 1836 (prior to statehood) from Old Mexican Municipality.Name Origin:For the Presidio of San Antonio de Bexas (later known as the Alamo), named for the second son of the Duke of Bexar, of the Spanish royal ...
In an effort to redesign delivery of health care to priority populations, University Health System, a major safety net hospital system located in South Central Texas, opened the first school-based health center in Bexar County, Texas. This article describes the planning process with emphasis on ...
The Depression Awareness Campaign for Adolescents in Bexar County is designed to help our community recognize the growing problem of depression and to learn how we can all help. This program developedfrom an expressed need to address problems that teenagers are having withdepression. It is a ...