Teacherstrikes are illegalin Massachusetts andunions could face fines. The money would go to the Massachusetts Department of Labor Relations. A city or town can also charge the union for what it spends on things like police details and overtime....
For the comple te zoning map visit w w w .be verlyma.go v/ departmen ts/engineering / citymap s/Start Your Business• www.ceans.org • www.enterprisectr.org • www.nsecdevelopment.com • www.northshorechamber.org • www.northshorewib.com • | www.scorenemass.orgLOCAL STATE...
In February 1970, The Newark Teachers’ Union went on strike. Joe, along with nearly 200 other teachers, was arrested merely for attending a peaceful rally. (I was not yet a teacher.) After mass trials, Joe and other arrested teachers were sentenced to 10 days in the Essex County Penitent...
In February 1970, The Newark Teachers’ Union went on strike. Joe, along with nearly 200 other teachers, was arrested merely for attending a peaceful rally. (I was not yet a teacher.) After mass trials, Joe and other arrested teachers were sentenced to 10 days in the Essex County Penitent...