You Can Forge a Knife Correctly Here's How! 27:01 【中英字幕】伊利亚手把手教你正确地敲刃!How to Forge Bevels on a Blade - The Right Way! 23:38 为什么你总是觉得很累? 科学用脑,事半功倍 【纪录片】武器大师-Weapon Master 05 日本武士刀 哔哩哔哩纪录片 115.9万 5054 【4K】锻造渗碳...
A powered knife grinder carried by a forage harvester and operable in one mode of operation to grind a first bevel on the forage harvester knives, and operable in a second mode of operation to grind a second bevel on each of the knives. The knife grinder includes a rotary abrasive member ...