I see this strategy at work in God’s Not Dead, which presents the situation of a straight white Protestant who can afford college as if he is one of the early martyrs being thrown to the lions in a Roman coliseum, just by virtue of taking an intro philosophy class. This is not playe...
And not just in the more direct ways it addresses religion (“The discovery of the dark forest state of the universe was a giant blow to most major religions, especially Christia 分享368 狮子吧 双子爱大狮子 LONDOLOZI博客-Is There Honour Between Lions?Three mornings ago we bumped into the ...
Tasty Wart Hog Is the Dish of the Day; between the Lions, Cheetahs and the Game Meat Hunters, Nairobi's Wild Wart Hogs Are Having a Tough Time of It at the Moment. Jonathan Scott Reports on One Who Had a Lucky Escape, and Receives Sad News about Shadow's Cubs. (out of Africa)...
He will spen d most of his working lif e typing mil lions of words on thousands of forms about h undreds of sad, unimportant peopl e who ar e g uilty of stupi d crimes.Most television crim e dram a is about findi ng th e criminal:as soon as he's arrested, the story is over...
In other words, species 1 will reap larger benefits than species 2 when the basin of attraction of (D1, C2) is larger than (C1, D2), whereas species 2 will reap larger benefits than species 1 when the basin of attraction of (C1, D2) is larger than (D1, C2). Intuitively, the ...
汉语量词与英文用法对照(comparison between chinese words of 汉语量词与英文用法对照(Comparison between Chinese Words of Measurement and Their English Equivalents)量词是现代汉语11类词中的一种,运用非常普遍,大约有500多个量词。除了表“量”以外,它的一个显著特点就是习惯搭配。即使是华人也有弄错的时候,学中文...
Interspecific mutualisms consist of partners trading services that yield common benefits to both species. Until now, understanding how the payoffs from mutualistic cooperation are allocated among the participants has been problematic. Two hypotheses have
Pup mortality and the timing of birth of South American sea lions Otaria flavescens were investigated to determine the possible relationship between fluctu... KH Soto,AW Trites,M Arias-Schreiber - 《Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London》 被引量: 142发表: 2010年 Shyness and physical ...
While there were many days of triumph and tragedy that contributed to the mosaic of my life, it is not hyperbole to say that the release of the movie “Bull Durham” not only shaped many of the words I use in conversation, but it also set me on a Don Quixote like quest to land a...
This manuscript analyzes start-ups’ usage of different communication strategies (information, response, involvement), their underlying decision logic