between subject就是被试间设计,within subject就是被试内设计。被试间设计是每个被试受一种实验处理,...
Learn about within-subjects and between-subjects designs. Understand what within-subjects and between-subjects designs are and see a comparison of...
within-subject or between-subject? 最近需要设计一些用户实验来验证方法的有效性,首先确认一下是要进行组内还是组间实验? 组内实验[1] 每位参与者同时参与多个实验,研究人员比较了不同条件下来自同一参与者的相关测量。 值得注意的是,为了防止更早的实验对之后的实验结果产生影响,在参与者进行不同实验时,应该随机...
within-subject design的意思是“受测者内设计”,指的是受测者内分组、分团队以不同方式设计测试过程。between-subject design是“组间设计”指的是更具体的设计。between-subject design的意思是“组间设计”1、within-subject design 网络 受测者内设计;[例句]The packing methods and the question...
Within-subject accuracy requires students to judge their learning of parts of a lesson, and take tests for each part. Within-subject accuracy is computed by correlating judgments with performance on all parts for each student. A second conceptualization, between-subject accuracy, is computed by ...
Within-subject Between-subject Experimentaldesignandmethodology abstract Inthisarticleweexploretheissuesthatsurroundwithin-subjectandbetween-subject designs.Wedescribeexperimentsineconomicsandinpsychologythatmakecomparisons usingeitherofthesedesigns(orboth)thatsometimesyieldthesameresultsandsome- timesdonot.Theoverallgoal...
Within- and between- subject variability in methadone pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in methadone maintenance subjects Aims To investigate within- and between-subject variability of the pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of (R)- and (S)-methadone in methadone maintenan... J Hanna,DJR Foster,A...
In this article we explore the issues that surround within-subject and between-subject designs. We describe experiments in economics and in psychology that make comparisons using either of these designs (or both) that sometimes yield the same results and sometimes do not. The overall goal is to...
在统计学的方差分析中会遇到。一般指因素的方差或平方和。the between-subject factors 因素的组间方差 the within-subject factor 因素的组内方差
答:被试者间设计:不同的被试接受不同的处理. “不重复” 处理1 处理2 被试1 5 2 6 3 7 被试者内设计:同一被试接受不同的处理. “重复” 处理1 处理2 被试 1 1 2 2 3 3…… - 实验效果受个别差异的影响,且被试的个体差异又较大时,采用重复测量设计,即被试者内设计;e.g.研究比较被试对红灯、黄...