The dependent variable was a binary variable which was assigned the value 1 if the patient deceased in the hospital, and 0 otherwise: $$Y_{ijt}\mathit\;\left|\mathit\;p_{ijt}\mathit\;\mathit=\right.\mathit\;bernoulli\left(p_{ijt}\right)$$ (1) $$\log\left(\frac{p_{ijt}...
”爱也是一种伤害”这是一个很小众的观点,但是 63774 人鱼吧 贴吧用户_aby8EKM 人造美人鱼 第三部我找到了 可惜是英文的ether; knees forward; feet parallel; and don’t leave the slightest gap between your legs。” nicole did what she was ordered to。 the woman leaned down to plete the right ...