In recent years we have witnessed a revolution in the understanding of the mechanisms which regulate mammalian cell growth. This applies both to normal cells, in which growth is tightly controlled, as well as to cancer cells, which divide in an uncontrol
@XmlAnyElement ( lax = false, value = W3CDomHandler.class ) @XmlAttribute Maps a JavaBeans property to an XML attribute. Default Settings: @XmlAttribute ( name = ##default, required = false, namespace = "##default" ) @XmlAnyAttribute Maps a JavaBeans property to a map of wildcar...
@XmlAnyElement ( lax = false, value = W3CDomHandler.class ) @XmlAttribute Maps a JavaBeans property to an XML attribute. Default Settings: @XmlAttribute ( name = ##default, required = false, namespace = "##default" ) @XmlAnyAttribute Maps a JavaBeans property to a map of wildcar...
Margolis BL, Lax I, Kris R, Dombalagian M, Honegger AM, Howk R, et al. All autophosphorylation sites of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor and HER2/neu are located in their carboxyl-terminal tails. Identification of a novel site in EGF receptor. J Biol Chem. 1989;264:10667–71. ...
(A) Expression profiles of the DEGs under different hormone treatments were shown by a heatmap. (B) The number of up- and down-regulated proteins in different comparisons. (C) Venn diagrams showed the proportions of DEPs in three comparisons.(D)Subcellular classify of DEPs in GR24 vs Mock,...
Platforms are frequently connected to other drilling sites, and transfer hydrocarbons to a mainline terminal, resulting in a ‘chain’ of high-risk and safety-critical environments and workspaces that are inexorably linked together. Thus, a compound risk exists where an incident at one site causes ...
(COX) 1 and 2, p38 MAP kinase (p38), c-Jun terminal-NH2 kinase, and type 4 cAMP-specific phosphodiesterase (PDE4) [33]. In a different study, where thein silicotarget prediction was further validated experimentally, Zhang et al. identified putative targets of 19 natural products from two...
(A) Top: Hi-C heatmap (Bonev et al., 2017); KR normalized reads. Note high interaction frequency between CTCF sites LB1-2 and RB. Below Hi-C, insulation score across the region. Middle: WT 4C profiles reveal detailed interactions across the locus for each viewpoint (VP). y axis, 4C...
RNA Duplex Map in Living Cells Reveals Higher-Order Transcriptome Structure. Cell 2016, 165, 1267–1279. [CrossRef] 110. Sharma, E.; Sterne-Weiler, T.; O'Hanlon, D.; Blencowe, B.J. Global Mapping of Human RNA-RNA Interactions. Mol. Cell 2016, 62, 618–626. [CrossRef] 111. Aw...