Porting text between machinesdoi:10.1016/0141-9331(84)90259-XELSEVIERMicroprocessors and Microsystems
No human, however, is able to outplay a computer at chess as we saw Garry Kasparov lose to the supercomputer Big Blue. Humans are, however, better at the game ofJeopardywhere guesswork and memory are still involved. Watson, the computer lost. But, then there was the matchup with the worl...
Blood-samples were then transferred to the Department of Cellular Machines at the Biotechnology Center of the Dresden University of Technology, where the samples were measured using an RT-DC device. Maintained at room temperature, samples were measured within three hours since sampling according to a...
A weakness with the present harvest cost calculation is the assumption that it is possible to rent harvest services with different machines. If this is not possible, for example because it is not profitable for the contractor to hold a set of harvesters of different sizes, the cost savings ...
Coronavirus is a virus that belongs to the family Coronaviridae and can infect both animals and humans. The coronaviruses that affect humans are 229E, NL63, HKU1, and OC43. Moreover,SARS, MERS, and SARS-CoV-2 are coronaviruses that have already caused pandemics around the world. Coronavir...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Article Association between Organochlorine Pesticide Levels in Breast Milk and Their Effects on Female Reproduction in a Taiwanese Population Men-Wen Chen 1, Harvey M. Santos 2 ID , Danielle E. Que 3, Yan-You Gou 1,†, Lemmuel ...
Thus, such barriers cause detours and have an impact on pathways in urban and manufacturing environments alike. In this specific indoor context, humans represent key-stakeholders regarding transportation, quality, and efficiency, as they serve as a common interface, physically "connecting" machines and...
Galectin-1, -2, -3, -4, -7, -8, -9, -10, -12, -13, -14, and -16 were identified in humans; galectin-5 and -6 were found in rats and mice; and galectin-11, -14, and -15 were found in ruminants [1–5]. Galectins are multifunctional pleiotropic molecules with a wide ...
It should be noted that it was not possible to detect AOAV-1 for a number of years in It shoulda bneumnobteerdofthreagtiiotnws aofs tnhoetRpuosssiaibnlFeetdoedraettieocnt. AOt tAheVs-1amfoertiamneu, mvabrieoruosfAyOeAarVs-1instarains number of rewgeiorensreopfeathteedRlyudsestieacn...
The prominent issue is whether rights are to be given to machines over humans, considering reducing human error and the risk of life at sea. If two manned ships are on a collision course, there is presently a double risk of human error. However, if a manned vessel is on a collision ...