It’s unclear what these methods may be, but some examples of unsupported methods include giving discounts or other incentives in exchange for positive reviews. Who are BetterHelp’s therapists? The most important resource BetterHelp provides is its wide array of highly qualified therapists. Although...
Get matched easily with a licensed, board-accredited therapist. More than 31000 therapists with 418 million+ counseling sessions are ready to help you!
Tap into the world's largest network of qualified and experienced therapists who can help you with a range of issues including depression, anxiety, relationships, trauma, grief, and more. With our therapists, you get the same professionalism and quality you would expect from an in-office therapi...
Read real reviews about BetterHelp online counseling & therapy services with licensed counselors. There 1,000s of in-depth BetterHelp reviews from real people.
Get matched easily with a licensed, board-accredited therapist. More than 31000 therapists with 415 million+ counseling sessions are ready to help you!
Tap into the world's largest network of qualified and experienced therapists who can help you with a range of issues including depression, anxiety, relationships, trauma, grief, and more. With our therapists, you get the same professionalism and quality you would expect from an in-office therapi...
Tap into the world's largest network of qualified and experienced therapists who can help you with a range of issues including depression, anxiety, relationships, trauma, grief, and more. With our therapists, you get the same professionalism and quality you would expect from an in-office therapi...
Tap into the world's largest network of qualified and experienced therapists who can help you with a range of issues including depression, anxiety, relationships, trauma, grief, and more. With our therapists, you get the same professionalism and quality you would expect from an in-office therapi...
Tap into the world's largest network of qualified and experienced therapists who can help you with a range of issues including depression, anxiety, relationships, trauma, grief, and more. With our therapists, you get the same professionalism and quality you would expect from an in-office therapi...
THEM! If there aren't enough patients to support patient load, there doesn't need to be new therapists. Unless they plan to just burn through therapists for a short time with no longer term providers?Pay is only decent if you are working full time or more. Again, impossible after the ...