Is BetterHelp right for me? How much does it cost? I signed up. How long until I'm matched with a therapist? How will I communicate with my therapist? Can BetterHelp substitute for traditional face-to-face therapy? How long can I use BetterHelp?
BetterHelp In-office Provided by a qualified therapist All therapists have relevant experience and qualifications from their respective professional organizations YesYes In-office visits Commute to the therapist's location, spend time in the waiting room, sit in their office ...
You can meet with a therapist in your area or talk to a personality specialist online through a platform like BetterHelp. Online therapy can benefit those with busy schedules, allowing them to set up appointments from home and meet with a therapist via phone, video, or live chat sessions. ...
BetterHelp In-office Provided by a qualified therapist All therapists have relevant experience and qualifications from their respective professional organizations YesYes In-office visits Commute to the therapist's location, spend time in the waiting room, sit in their office ...
BetterHelp In-office Provided by a qualified therapist All therapists have relevant experience and qualifications from their respective professional organizations YesYes In-office visits Commute to the therapist's location, spend time in the waiting room, sit in their office ...
BetterHelp In-office Provided by a qualified therapist All therapists have relevant experience and qualifications from their respective professional organizations YesYes In-office visits Commute to the therapist's location, spend time in the waiting room, sit in their office ...
你真的了解BetterHelp吗?心理学家Tracey 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 3519 1 08:19 App 为什么我如此焦虑?这是答案 7.0万 90 05:39 App 强迫幻想症和走神——有什么区别? 22.4万 144 05:09 App 10个症状证明你现在正患有焦虑症 4.9万 71 08:15 App 患抑郁症的人还能回归正常生活...
BetterHelp In-office Provided by a qualified therapist All therapists have relevant experience and qualifications from their respective professional organizations YesYes In-office visits Commute to the therapist's location, spend time in the waiting room, sit in their office ...
Online therapy is the best mental health counseling service. Receive support from over 35,000 licensed therapists at BetterHelp via the internet using video & messaging programs.
作为一名BetterHelp治疗师的工作到底是什么样子的? 几个月前,我拍摄了一个与本视频相同标题的视频。出于法律原因,我决定重新录制那段视频,以便清楚地表明这段视频包含我的意见和那些在Instagram Stories上回答我问题的人的意见。鉴于我所掌握的信息,我不能声称本视频中的任何内容是事实。 尽管如此,我认为分享我的一些...