The Close-Upis a sharp, atmospheric tale that takes you into the life of Zoe Ann Weiss, a struggling author who, after reconnecting with a man who is now a Hollywood movie star, finds herself the victim of a deviant stalker with a penchant for reenacting all of the gruesomest scenes f...
" "When We Rise," about the gay civil rights movement, and a recurring part as a racketeer in Prohibition drama "Boardwalk Empire." He even got to show off his comedy skills in "Community." In 2019, he appeared in Ava DuVernay's "When They See Us," as the ...
Bottom line: Our grandparents didn't feel pushed to reckless racketeering behavior. What if there was no physically harmful internet into which to channel our adrenaline, what would we do? That's right. Live out a real Mad Max fantasy. Fear not the quasi-harmless rug pull of your crypto ...
One professional marketing felt marketeer rhymes with racketeer and possibly creative negative images for that functionality. Another felt shocked by the new spelling and terminology. He felt some guys should be doing ‘marketeering’ rather than marketing. On LinkedIn, most marketing subscribers prefer...