If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect. ...
You do not have to let them remain dirty all the time because, with the right cleaning company, you are sure that they will have them cleaned anytime you ask them to. Carpet cleaning How clean are your carpets? No matter how clean the walls, floors, windows, and other parts of the o...
Despite this duplicity, Mary was still expected to become the ideal noble man’s daughter; educated, pious and quiet enough to not cause a fuss, until they could be swiftly married off. Sadly, Mary was never going to fit that mould. From the minute they were old enough to join society,...
All days are good, some are just better than others! 2-22-2025Morning Prayers Posted bywebholymanonFebruary 22, 2025 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. ...
I always think of roads like these as country death roads (which wouldn’t be a bad name for a song) just because there’s no footpath and cars can rocket down them at incredible speeds, but honestly the risk was mitigated by how quiet the road was and how straight it is, giving us...
It looks like a text saying, “I’m happy to make dinner…and clean up” It looks like a chilled bottle of Prosecco It looks like a quiet night in with a movie after the kids are in bed It looks like climbing into bed and finding a red envelope on my pillow with his unmistakable ...
If you can't get absolute silence, go for quiet, that's absolutely fine. Second, I call this "the mixer." So even if you're in a noisy environment like this -- and we all spend a lot of time in places like this -- listen in the...
Good. The first one is silence. Just three minutes a day of silence is a wonderful exercise to reset your ears and to recalibrate, so that you can hear the quiet again. If you can't get absolute silence, go for quiet, that's absolutely fine. ...
However, it’s not uncommon for these systems to remain static despite significant changes in their operational environment that should prompt revisions and updates. Often, instead of a redesign that realigns with the evolving landscape, organisational systems undergo piecemeal disconnected adjustments, ...
Check out these 24 working from home tips to minimize distractions, increase productivity, and enjoy a better work-life balance.