I’ve gotten a number of “I’m in your city, what do I do?” texts and emails. When I’m around, I simply go find them and show them a great time. More often than not, however, I’m elsewhere and I’ve never really known how to answer. ...
Bullies and Harassers of Cologne “the professor insults her doctoral students, calling them “stupid”, “useless” or “retarded”, for example. She is said to sometimes require her employees to work more than 80 hours a week. The report speaks of a “quasi-feudal relationship of dependence...
Bullies and Harassers of Cologne “the professor insults her doctoral students, calling them “stupid”, “useless” or “retarded”, for example. She is said to sometimes require her employees to work more than 80 hours a week. The report speaks of a “quasi-feudal relationship of dependence...
Bullies and Harassers of Cologne “the professor insults her doctoral students, calling them “stupid”, “useless” or “retarded”, for example. She is said to sometimes require her employees to work more than 80 hours a week. The report speaks of a “quasi-feudal relationship of dependence...
“we had no part in the flow cytometry analyses. We are sure that Dr. Feldhahn and Dr. Nussenzweig will respond and will address your concerns.“ Niklas Feldhahnis now lecturer at the Imperial College London. In 2006 his PhD paper from the University of Cologne, Germany (Feldhahn et alJEM...
“Bacterial plasmid-derived infectious agents as a novel class linked to common human cancers (colon, breast and prostate)”. The claim would be more plausible if the link to the Abstract Book led anywhere else but toa 404 Error, or if the Venue Address was more specific than just “...