Washington Post: Ezra Klein’s Wonkblog The Economist: Free Exchange Reuters: Felix Salmon Economist: Euro-zone crisis coverage Let me know if you have a favorite reference to add…. Posted inInternational,Journalism|Leave a comment Why Squid?
Too often, the LMSs and other “learning support systems” grossly hinder the relevant learning process rather than assisting. Your list is a good start, but I always come back to one of the most important principles of being a good facilitator: you’ve got to speak the language of your...
Ezra 9:1-2 After these things had been done, the officials approached me and said, “The people of Israel and the priests and the Levites have not separated themselves from the peoples of the lands with their abominations, from the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Jebusite...
EZRA Fabasoft Cloud Fable factro FAI Portal farBooking Fashable Gen AI FAST Portal FeedbackFruits Feeder Fellow Fifty Figma Fika File Manager FilingRamp Financial Times Findit FinTech Studios FireHydrant First Alert Firstup Firstup EU Flexopus Flockjay FloQast FloQast EU Flourish FlourishDx Flowee...
Schwarzenegger’sTerminator: Dark FatedirectorTim Millertold me he prefersTerminator 2toTerminator 1.He considers himself more of a sci-fi fan than a horror fan and findsTerminator 1leans more to the latter, whileT2favors the former. He also added... ...
Roberto Alomar "all but invented and popularized" the way many infielders play today, Buster Olney wrote in 2009.Ezra O. Shaw/Getty Images How good Alomar was: 1. The winner of 10 Gold Gloves at second base -- the most ever at the position -- Alomar "all but invented and p...
who last rowed for Australia at the Rio Olympics. Fosterling wasn’t on the original entry list (that was James Medway), so the Australians are playing musical chairs with their squad at the moment. But, this looks a very powerful 8 and should produce a better result than their 6thplace...
Equation (2) is estimated by a set of probit regressions separately for each period in the pooled sample. The estimates are used to derive the inverse Mills ratio \(m_{it} \left( \cdot \right)\). In the second step, the inverse Mills ratio is added to the list of covariates in Eq...
Terminator: Dark Fateis the third-best film in the long-running franchise, after 1984’sThe Terminatorand 1991’sTerminator 2: Judgment Day.No critics (at least not that the one awkwardly writing these words in third person has seen) have argued thatTerminator: Dark Fateis better than either...
Varsity coaches are expected to set the example, and sub varsity coaches will leave the referees alone. Mistakes are made by players, coaches and referees. Some players are better than others, some coaches are better than others and some officials are better than others. 3. Deal with your ...