The direct sale meaning is said the factory buys directly for the consumer, does not pass through other channels, also may talk into the factory to yield profit relatively for the consumer, the price low.But retails, factory---Middle man---Consumer.The middle many middle man's link, the ...
2. to think that (someone) could not be so bad etc. I thought better of you than to suppose you would do that. tener mejor opinión/concepto de alguien think highly/well/badly etc of to have a good, or bad, opinion of. She thought highly of him and his poetry. tener en mucho/po...
by research on millennial’s that states “young people want more than a pay check and a job title”. Its importance has been further reinforced by leading thinkers like Victor Frankl and the seminal book ‘Man’s search for meaning’ and popular writers like Simon Sinek and his “Start wit...
aYou choose me and that one second, because of the psychological preparation, rather than blindly said:" regret". 由于心理准备,您选择我和那一秒,而不是盲目说:“遗憾”。[translate] a当你是个小学生的时候,你通常几点起床? 正在翻译,请等待...[translate] ...
These are bigger undertakings than a bossy campaign; but more effective, and quieter.The word "pariah" (line 5, paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to() A. prohibition B. strictness C. pardon D. punishment 3 If you smoke, you’d better hurry. From July 1st pubs all over England ...
Many businesses have questions about online marketing. No matter whether you are doing the marketing in-house or you’ve hired a consultant there are times that you’d just like to touch base with someone who knows more about marketing than you. ...
they had a far better yield than any other farm miles away around this year.a.goodsb.soilc.climated.harvest 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: the "feed me better" campaign targeted a healthier diet at school children.a.rightb.wrongc.not mentioned 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 回答下列题。
Government backing of projects “not well supported by the existing science” will do more damage than simply wasting money, the authors caution. “Well -meaning planting programs can lead to ‘bio-perversity:’ perverse outcomes for the environment from well-intentioned environmental programs.” ...
.. acollege education is more and more seen as a means for economic bettermentrather than a means for human betterment. () 点击查看答案 第2题 听力原文: As the proverb says, "No one knows the value of health until he loses it." In other words, nothing is more valuable than health....
I always say to my student, “Simple done right is better than complicated (复杂的) done wrong.” In other words, it’s better to keep things simple and do it well, rather than over-complicate everything and do it badly. So, in English writing exams, you want to show off your Engli...