Download individual presets fromour official websiteto use withBetterRenderDragonor todrag-and-drop the preset .mcpack onto the installer window. Version 1 of the BetterRTX Installer (CLI version) still functions and will continue to be supported until further notice. Version 2 is an optional upg...
SHA512 hash of output/BetterRTX_Installer.ps1: 6f3864c128bde9efd049ebb3162a5c471661b4c762155f1511009b1013a4824a206bd12e04a6d954939de8643043c640e21748d6b3d3d8e169b325cb9392aad7 MD5 hash of output/ 4db697ca18a445f00bbd7ef3bfc8eec2 SHA256 hash of output/BetterRT...
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ClickUpdate Allto download and install the latest driver versions for your computer (This requires the Pro version). Alternatively, clickActivate & Updatenext to a flagged devicetostart a 7-day free trial. With this trial, you’ll havefullaccess to Pro features, including high-speed driver do...
This is a tool that brings back shader packs / allows tweaking RTX & does so in a more convenient way than past methods. All you have to do is launch the program and load your shader/better rtx pa
2. This is what the final manual OC settings of our RTX 3070 Ti look like. We prefer to leave the voltage setting as it is and increased the core & memory clocks of the GPU as high as they could go on the default voltage. In the end, we were able toincrease the core clockby +...
Today NVIDIA released a Game Ready Driver that coincides with the new RTX update to Mortal Shell that adds NVIDIA DLSS and ray tracing to the single-player, action-RPG from Cold Symmetry on April 15th. The update adds stunning ray traced shadows to the game, and adds support for NVIDIA DLS...
If you don’t have any Microphone enhancements available, fret not, you can also use third-party tools. If you have an NVIDIA RTX GPU, download theNVIDIA Broadcast tool for Windows. It offers various features such as Noise removal and Room echo removal. It further allows you to fine-tune...
Yep, you can find a Core i7-11800H, and an RTX 3060. As a matter of fact, it is the same offering you get as the 15-inch Pulse GL66. The same can be said about the display options. Thankfully, both the offerings sound promising. The first one is a 1080p 144Hz IPS panel, ...
Download the GeForce Experience Beta, press ALT+Z to open the overlay and click ‘Performance’, and give it a try on your GeForce RTX 20 Series or 30 Series GPU today!Consider Faster Hardware - There is only so much optimisation you can do in software. At some point, the best way to...