[BMC3] Better MC 3 —— 更好的MC 3游戏版本:Forge 1.19 ~ 1.19.2、Fabric 1.21 ~ 1.21.1作者:SHXRKIE官方Wiki:https://github.com/LunaPixelStudios/Better-MC/wikiMCMOD百科:https://www.mcmod.cn/modpack/205.htmlForge CurseForge下载:https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/better-mc-fo...
Just look at the comments below me, a lot of people who are surprised that I don't detect it or who ask for versions for forge, even some who get aggressive because it doesn't indicate it anywhere but in the mod version, All of this, or at least most of it, can be avoided. nap...