{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":9353465,"subject":"BUG: Better Exceptions UI Exception Report can't find broken mod","id":"message:9353465","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":63},"Conversation:conversation:9353465":{"__typename":"Conversation","id":"conversation:9353465","...
This will automatically open up to the inbox page, where it will have a "send to" box pre-filled with the user's username. The other method is to open up your inbox by going to your username in the top right of the page, clicking on the drop-down box, and then cli...
Game and UI Exceptions are both automatically reported in real-time when the exception occurs. You can use the Outfit CC tracker by turning on testingcheats, shift+clicking the glitched sim, and selecting the Locate Outfit CC option. BE will provide a report showing all of the CC files in ...
BetterPawn..rt,新档发现这mod的UI界面出问题了,翻了翻日志发现有巨多的Exception filling window for BetterPawnControl.Dialog_ManagePolicies
(Bug Fix) Fix UI display of RegExp tokens on token removal. 2023.8.11 (Improvement) Add keyword highlighting for SQL. 2023.8.10 (Improvement) Improve performance of Range Highlighting (whole line highlight) (Bug Fix) Fix missing Range Highlight in Doc Comments. 2023.8.9 (Feature) Add possib...
(Improvement)New configuration settings UI. 2023.7.14 (Feature)Display cognitive complexity in .tsx files (Typescript JSX). 2023.7.13 (Improvement)Improve compatibility with 2023.3 EAP version and Huawei DevEco. (Improvement)Add support for new Rust plugin. ...
class); @UiField Label numberLabel; private final NumberFormatter formatter; public MyWidget(NumberFormatter formatter) { this.formatter = formatter; initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this); } void setNumber(int number) { numberLabel.setText(formatter.format(number)); } } When createAndBindUi...
4.Glowroot Glowroot is a lightweight and fast, open-source Java Application Performance Monitoring. It traces slow requests and errors and logs every user action, SQL catch, and aggregation. It also allows for historical performance visualization. Its responsive and minimalistic UI allows Java Monitor...
I see "net.sf.hibernate.ObjectNotFoundException: No row with the given identifier exists" exceptions. Current status: Atlassian fixed this in Confluence 6.2.2. This is a problem that occurs when executing the "Move" strategy in Confluence 6.0.x, 6.1.x, and 6.2.x, but not after 6.2.2....
Test runners (e.g. junit) don’t encourage logging information especially if the test completes ‘successfully’ (i.e. without unhandled exceptions or assertion failures). Logging is often used in the application code, it can also be used by the tests. As a good example, Espresso logs all...