enum.h Turn off clang-format (#118) Jan 7, 2024 Better Enums Reflective compile-time enum library with clean syntax, in a single header file, and without dependencies. In C++11,everythingcan be used at compile time. You can convert your enums, loop over them,find their max,statically ...
Headless cloud-native authentication and identity management written in Go. Scales to a billion+ users. Replace Homegrown, Auth0, Okta, Firebase with better UX and DX. Passkeys, Social Sign In, OIDC, Magic Link, Multi-Factor Auth, SMS, SAML, TOTP, and mo
Auto-Move | Quick Map | Quick Inventory | Quick Magic | Quick Stats | Screenshot | Mult-Screenshot (takes 10 screenshots evey 0.5s) NOTE: these keys must be used with a scripted hotkey mod (you can even set them up using an MCM menu, if you add MCM support)* This feature has ...
enum OrderStatusValues { Complete = 1, Incomplete = 2, Canceled = 3 } EFv4 (I hate that it's called v4 by the way, it's v2) will allow us to: order.StatusID = (int)OrderStatusValues.Complete; Obviously it doesn't have to be an int, it can be a string, a guid, or any ...
Theoretically this recipe could work in any blender, however it’s much easier to use when in a Magic Bullet since it is a small serving that can be quickly slurped down straight from the cup or used to-go. Be careful to clean the bottle out, since it contains remnants of raw egg ...
The drawback of implementing data binding has always been the need for magic strings and boilerplate code, both to broadcast changes to the properties and to bind UI elements to them. Over the years, various toolkits and techniques have come along to lessen the pain; this article aims to si...
The drawback of implementing data binding has always been the need for magic strings and boilerplate code, both to broadcast changes to the properties and to bind UI elements to them. Over the years, various toolkits and techniques have come along to lessen the pain; this article aims to si...
putBoolean(idAntA, AntiAlias); executeAction(idAddT, adMagicWand, DialogModes.NO); }; You put this in a separate file called "mystuff.jsx" or something similar and keep it around. When you have a script you want to make, at the top of the file you put: //@include "....
2- Ceremonial Torture/Black Goat - Black Magic Compendium - Ceremonial Tortures In The Name Of Black Goat - Bestial Burst 3- Dali - Purpose And Intent - Shunned House 4- DeadHead/Morbid Holocaust - Genius Loci - Independent 5- Пила - ГипнотическаяФаза - Provol...
// magic number for Windows, 64Mb - 32Kb) int maxCount = (64 * 1024 * 1024) - (32 * 1024); long size = inChannel.size(); long position = 0; while ( position < size ) { position += inChannel.transferTo( position, maxCount, outChannel ); ...