Better with Mods Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 for Minecraft. Firstly you might be wondering what is the basic concept of this modification. Well, to put it in simple words it is the recreation of Better than Wolves mod. Secondly, it can be categorized as the advanced version of BTW. Similarly,...
Please read theFAQbefore reporting a bug, issue or feature request. This is not my only project, if you liked this mod you might like my other one's. Give them a chance and you will not regret it. Better Totem of Undying [FABRIC] Queen Bee [FORGE] Just Enough Beacons Reforged...
Better Bedrock Generator Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4. Minecraft is a game that allows everyone to show their creativity. It can be related to world development or it can be directed towards modification development. Both sides are equally important to the community and they can’t live without each ...
ReleaseR Aug 13, 2024 9.94 KB 439.2K 1.21.1+1 Fabric File Name betterend-crashed-ships-1.1.0.jar Supported Versions 1.21.1 1.21 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Fabric modImplementation "curse.maven:better-end-crashed-ships-tweaks-101...
⛄ mod bug forge #1589 opened Mar 7, 2024 by izumiChan16 Elytra installation causes UI misalignment bug forge #1587 opened Mar 7, 2024 by izumiChan16 Can't use any items on the ground the first 5 min bug forge #1584 opened Mar 2, 2024 by ItsElex 2 Better MC [Fabric] 1.20...
2b e.g. left click the "Crystalite Elytra" (Better End) in the JEI-HUD EDIT: 2c e.g. left click the "Terminite Forged Plate" (Better End) in the JEI-HUD EDIT: I created an issue in the JEI-Project on Github. You can follow the state here: ...
BetterEnd Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 is basically self-explanatory through its name but we are going to elaborate a bit for our visitors. First of all, this mod adds more than twelve different biomes in the “End” dimension. Secondly, it will provide an better look than the default one thro...
How to add Better Burning Mod in Minecraft Installing your favorite modifications requires a bit of focus along with correct tools. Generally, there are two main APIs that are helping players to include mods they want to play. They are called Minecraft Forge API and Minecraft Fabric API. We ...
Soul HUD - Shows an icon of any active soul in your setup, and the number of charges you have left. Hotswaps - Neat keybinds that allow you to swap to specified items, and in case of armour / elytras back and forth.
Better PvP Mod (1.20.5 - 1.19.4) Minecraft enables a redefined module and synchronized version with the other mods to perform better in the game.