Midjourney used to be super transparent about how weird it was—you had to sign up through Discord, after all. Now that it's got a more sensible seeming website, it feels a bit more mainstream, though there is still an undercurrent of oddities. For example, Midjourney is also a communi...
Next, use Discord to manage your games. Finally, if you’re a GM, abuse the internet’s resources — there are so many good tools online to make GMing much easier. See in-depth advice here — How to play D&D online. 4. What is the best virtual tabletop software? What is the best...
Disclosure As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases from Amazon.com. You can learn more aboutour editorial policies here. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for site...
Telegram X: Themes:http://t.me/tgx_perfection 分享好看的 Telegram 主题:https://t.me/beautifultgtheme 分享好看的 Telegram 主题:https://t.me/MeowThemes Telegram Beta Chat:https://t.me/tgbetachat Tentang Telegram:https://t.me/tentangtelegram Snowball Fight:https://t.me/SnowballFight Tentang...